
Welcome to the Client Hub

Over 84 per 100 people feel more comfortable searching for answers first then seeking help and support. The Client Hub is a central point for knowledge, support, questions and training to support Red Panda Designs clients. 

As always, we are here to help. If you can’t find your answer here, please feel free to raise a support ticket or call us on 1300 20 40 13 and we’d be more than happy to help. 

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Have a look at our new articles

Getting Images Ready for ...

Getting your images ready for your site Why is getting your images important? There are a few reaso...

Contact & Form Submis...

Collecting information and data is an important part of connecting with your customers. We use forms...

Password Reset

Everyone goes through it, it's been a while since you logged in and what was the combination again.&...

Collections (eg Blogs)

Collections Collections are an extremely useful tool, a collection is a database of information you...

E-Commerce Sales Notifica...

Making sure the right person or team receives a sales notificaiton is important to making sure your ...

Logging into your website

Your Editor is the interface used to make changes to your site, add blog posts, add collection items...